
A humble and sincere 'Thank you` to the people listed below for their contributions. If you find a problem please send the information with a screenshot to


  1. Group Advisor Sujiv Fonseka

  2. Instructors

    1. Tithira Jayasekera

    2. Akhila Ranawake

    3. Minuka Trikawalagoda

    4. Nadun Thotawatte

  3. Senior Scouts

    1. Isindu Edirisinghe

    2. Pankaja Weerasekara

    3. Rakeeb Zawahir

  4. Patrol Leaders

    1. Adhithya Dissanayake of Cheetah Patrol

    2. Chanuka Ranasinghe of Squirrel Patrol

    3. Webmaster Kithnula Edirisinghe of Woodpecker Patrol

  5. Junior Scouts

    1. Dilvistor Robert of Peacock Patrol

Special mention about Gitbook Non Profit program and big hats off to the team for listing the Project as a Non Profit Project awarding us a PRO account.

Worldwide Contributors


Any changes, adding and requests have to be structured to the following format

  • Documents can be formatted to a Microsoft Word .docx format

    • When structuring the Word Document the content should be followed by Heading 1, Heading 2, Heading 3, Paragraph stylings and Bold,Italics are also allowed

    • Images can be captioned

    • Documents. Attachments must be sent via email with the Structured Document(s) you are sending

  • If you are a Leader or an Instructor, you can apply for write access to the Badgework Portal. Please direct your requests to

Please note that the content not meeting the standards won't be published

Last updated